During college days, reading Sudha Pillai’s article in TOI on the ‘Matters of the Heart’ made me feel like a typical teen. I could identify with it. Today, when I’m no more a teen, it still makes sense.
When you are a teen you are all ‘mushy’ and waiting for your Prince charming! He/she makes your heart skip a beat and you hum love songs all day! It’s a phase that we all go through, until we find that someone special in our life who is meant to be that – ‘special’. Some find their special person early on and build dreams and cascades whereas for the others it takes a while. And it’s worth the wait.
‘Love’ has been man’s greatest strength and weakness. Men and women love differently but is it love that makes us all feel secure and confident? A single woman may have tasted the essence of love but chooses to stay single for various reasons. Many couples have loved truly and with all their heart and soul. Destiny chooses some to be successful whereas some others do not materialize but it does not fail.
In today’s fast paced world, loving means texting each other, calling up each other, Facebooking (while most avoid it) and of course enjoying the little time that they have like there is no tomorrow.
Love as they say makes the world a safer place. Look around and it is ‘love’ that makes us all look forward to a bright day. Differences have distanced people away from each other. Loving one another has become a ‘business’ than a ‘matter of the heart’. Hold onto it, all is not lost. People do seek ‘matters of the heart’. Let’s not lose the innocence and the joy of loving. We love to be loved and when you give love it is the most beautiful feeling ever :)
Break free and open up to a world of love!
first of all a really nice post. Like the way yo write. the writing is honest in its every self. and about love? its jus a weird animal... wen one is wild and free they crave fo love and once they ve it.. its different. Wat is love.. love is caring... and also chains... so ppl get chained and then they start craving fo freedom... its happens with most of ppl.. i guess the confusion and chaos is coz of the fickle human heart. its neva satisfied with anythin.. is it?
keep bloggin... love to read more... Impuregod likes this :)
thank u impure god!wen it's true love, u don't crave for freedom :)
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