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Sunday, July 03, 2005

we decided to meet on tuesday

we decided to meet up on tuesday.
and we did.
the weather was cool.
it was another of our so called meetings.
it continued and i hope it continues cause i don't want to miss them.
as usual i attended classes, there were fun but there was a vaccum.
and that could be filled by only one person.
we weren't tactiturns but ended up during our meetings, nor did we suffer from loquacity.
we confided in each other.
we never arranged for clandestine meetings.
we cherished every moment spent together.
it was beautiful.
how i wish i had a time machine !
i could go back to my past.
but let's be pragmatic.
sometimes we would meet for 10 minutes, sometimes the whole day ,
sometimes we would ring each other and sometimes we would never meet.
or should i say we couldn't, but that's the journey of life.
we continued our journey of life in our own separate ways.
but we did continue our meetings , cause friends like her are too hard too find.
so, whom do you think i was talking about ?

all about loving....

when someone you love hurts you,
it's time to put a full stop.

when someone you love ,loves you,
it's time to analyse.

when someone you love , rejects you,
it's time to laugh it off.

when someone cares for you,
it's time to realise.

when someine admires you,
it's time to love oneself.

Thursday, May 26, 2005



Friends forever you promised.

together till the end.

we did everything for each other.

you were my best friend.

when i was sad, you were by my side.

when i was scared, you felt my fear.

you were my best support -

if i needed you, you were there.

you were the greatest friend.

you always knew what to say.

you made everything seem better.

as long we had each other,

everything would be okay.

but somewhere along the line,

we slowly came apart.

i was here, you were there,

it tore a hole in my heart.

things were changing,

our cheerful music reversed it's tune.

it was like having salt without pepper,

a sun without it's moon.

suddenly we were miles apart,

two diffrent people, with nothing the same.

it was as if we hadn't been friends ;

although we knew deep in our hearts

neither one of us was to blame.

you had made many new friends

and luckily, so had i

but that didn't change the hurt -

the loss of our friendship made me cry.

as we grow older , things must change

but they don't always have to end.

even though it is different, now,

you will always be my friend.