We want to take public transport, why? Because it reduces the need to get your own vehicle, traffic jams and it’s inexpensive...
But, traveling by the bus can be disastrous for a woman! This may sound like and old topic to write about but trust me it happens every day and women just zip their lips!
A man sitting in ladies seat is akin to victory! I would like to narrate an incident a 'bus incident'. I was traveling by the bus (which I do rarely, but need to in order to save money). The last ladies seat had just one lady sitting beside the window. This shameless man happily parked himself. I was just there waiting for a seat. I looked at him and said 'Ladies Seat’; he got up feeling not very embarrassed.
I was proud of myself and was feeling good :)) but the girl next to me got down at the next stop. Now what? All the men were vying for that seat! I didn’t budge. One of the men asked me to push in. I again said 'Ladies Seat'. They began to talk among themselves and express frustration.
I just couldn't sit there any longer. The seat in front of me was empty, I immediately went and sat there. Two shameless men sat there in the ladies seat like they had won the battle!
I was so proud of myself but eventually those uncivilized men won the battle. The problem also lies with women; they don’t have the guts to ask what is theirs. There were so many women who were standing who could have grabbed the seat next to me but they chose not to. Why? Only because men will be men!
Fight for your rights and when you have got it, make use of the rights given to you. It's not just about getting a seat in the bus but it’s about who you can be!
Shameless people are everywhere. These people are proud to be shameless.
Yes and they will never change...very few men are well mannered
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