Shimit Amin’s Chak De! India struck gold at the box office and gave SRK his most memorable role, that of Kabir Khan. His second film, Rocket Singh Salesman of the Year may have not done well but the critics have appreciated the current favorite Ranbir Kapoor’s performance. It’s a film that every one of us can relate to not just the people involved in ‘sales’.
Background: The story revolves around Harpreet Singh Bedi or HB who wants to ‘sell’. He joins AYS which deals in computer products and services as a trainee. Though he goofs up in the interview the CEO is impressed with his never-give-up attitude. Field inductions, rule of selling all interest him but it sis the corruption (bribery and politics) that disturb him and put him in trouble. He ends up being a ‘zero dimaag’ in the eyes of the CEO. So, here starts his discovery of selling himself to the world. Starts his own firm called Rocket Sales Corp (besides being a trainee at AYS). Gets a small team of people from AYS who trust each other and have the will to go higher with an honest outlook to life. His firm is known for its service and very soon the sales of Rocket Sales Corp grow higher than AYS’. This disturbs the CEO of AYS who is eager to know all about Rocket Sales…
Watch the movie to know what happens next…I don’t want to give out everything.
Cast: Ranbir as HB is fantastic! He has amazing screen presence. Guahar Khan as the receptionist of AYS is a pleasant surprise. Good acting from Giri as the IT guy and Nitin who’s the Sales Manager. And not to for get Prem Chopra who is adorable as HB’s Dadaji.
Watch the movie…It conveys the idea of selling effectively. Remember we are all selling at every point in life.
As HB says, “Spiderman ko bhi risk lena padtha hai.”
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