school life has come to an end.
the fun and enjoyment which i experienced in school, will definitely not come back.
three months of leisure and fun.
it's time to throw my books which i've already done.
it's time to just sit back and relax.
school life was gr8.
studying made me go mad, and everyone else too.
games,singing,dancing were fun.
teasing,playing pranks are to be noted.
competitions,participating was the best.
school life will be memorable for each one of us.
the moments shared long time agowith friends are cherished by everyone to this day.the encouragement given by our sweet teachers made us feel special and still do.punishments,blastings blah blah are common in high school.
school an institution of learning was once upon a time an institution of leisure !
i only wish it colud still be !
but everyone of us needs to get into school,experience it from a to z and then just get out.we wait for it but once out it's too hard for us to forget those beautiful moments spent in school with friends.
they are sure to be cherished.most of us cry at the beginning and at the last day of school.
at the beginning of school we are not keen on entering our class-room, but on the last day we just want to go back to those naughty days.
i wish i could go back to my sweet class-room ,but life has to move on and nobody can stop it. CAN WE ?
i wrote this after my 10th.... and i must say school days are the best !